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Release Date for Vesper Announced
Vesper – Release Date Announcement (Demo out NOW!)Frankfurt/Germany, June 23rd 2021: Deck13 Spotlight announces the release date of Vesper, a puzzle-platformer adventure created by the Italian indie developers of Cordens Interactive. In Vesper you take control of a...
Highrise City Announced
Highrise City Announcement FRANKFURT, 14/05/2021 — Deck13 Spotlight today announces "Highrise City", a city builder in the works at German indie developer FourExo Entertainment. Highrise City is a city builder and a economy simulation at once. Build with the Unreal...
The Shattering Secret Room Release
The Secret Room Opens UpFRANKFURT — Anniversary time: Super Sexy Software and Deck13 Spotlight released The Shattering exactly one year ago. And today, on its birthday, the free DLC "The Secret Room" is out now. And the game is 50% off. With The Secret Room players...
The Shattering Secret Room Announcement
The Secret Room will open up soon!FRANKFURT — Super Sexy Software and Deck13 Spotlight released The Shattering nearly one year ago. For its anniversary, the developers have prepared a very special free DLC. The Secret Room is not your typical DLC but a live developer...
Announcing Faraday Protocol – First-person Puzzle Adventure
Announcing Faraday Protocol - First-person Puzzle AdventureFrankfurt/Germany, April 2nd 2021: Stranded on the mysterious space station/biosphere OPIS, the alien archaeologist Raug sets out to find out more about this place that has been abandoned for tens of thousands...
Announcing Holomento – A Permadeath RPG
Announcing Holomento - A Permadeath RPGFrankfurt/Germany, March 17th 2021: Journey through Eventide Hollow, a cursed land that is eternally frozen in time. Welcome to the world of Holomento - a Permadeath Action-RPG with Rogue-lite elements like you have never seen...
CrossCode: A New Home is out now on Steam and GOG!
CrossCode: A New Home is out now on Steam and GOG!Frankfurt/Germany, February 26th 2021: Today, two years of work for a DLC are coming to an end. At least on the PC: A New Home, the massive DLC for CrossCode just released on Steam and Good Old Games. With A New Home...
A New Home will soon be available
CrossCode: A New Home drops 26th FebruraryFrankfurt/Germany, February 17th 2021: More than two years after its launch CrossCode will receive its long awaited DLC. Today we can finally reveal not only its name but also the date: A New Home will launch on PC on February...
Chained Echoes will feature a song by british mathcore band ZILF
Chained Echoes will feature a song by british mathcore band ZILFFrankfurt / Germany, January 19th 2021: Chained Echoes, once it launches, will come along with a full soundtrack fitting perfectly well for the JRPG from Germany. And yet, there will be one track in the...
WARTILE and its Vikings invading the Switch in Europe!
WARTILE and its Vikings invading the Switch in Europe!FRANKFURT, 19/11/2020 — After the successful launch in the United States, the Complete Edition for WARTILE is now also released on Nintendo Switch in Europe. To celebrate the release day, the game is currently 20%...
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